new piano

i found this square grand piano on craigslist the other day.  i got an upright piano on there years ago, but this time i was supposed to be shopping for my boyfriend who was looking for a piano for his loft, but you know...truthfully,  i can't resist hunting for deals... and wellllll... i kinda fell in love with this one,  so i told him he could have my upright piano if he helped me get this one into my house.  i hired a piano tuner to get it into shape because it had been years since it's last tuning & this guy didn't mess around. if you need a tuner in the Birmingham area, Robertson Piano Tuning is the best!

big oak ranch spots

Taylor Robinson of Six Foot Five Productions is always a delight to work with, and a lot of his work is with clients who support humanity and love people in practical ways. it's always a plus to work on a job where the end result supports a great cause and this commercial for Big Oak Ranch was really a gift to be a part of. thank you At Home for the 2 farm tables!

each of the lines in this commercial were based off of true stories of individuals who were rescued and live at the ranch.

regions + coach saban

working with the hilariously funny guys from World War Seven was a real treat, not to mention the main talent was coach i really admire as well. overall really entertaining shoot. we had to transform a conference room into a college rec center so as to maximize the amount of time we had with Coach Saban. He was a great sport and delivered his lines beautifully. a special thanks to West Elm Birmingham for the benches!

war room

one of the last days of filming, was the vietnam period-piece scene of a war room// strategy tent. we built the tent inside a large warehouse making a lot of flats out of 2x4s and stapling authentic army green canvas to the frame as the walls. i rented a lot of authentic gear from a source in Asheville which really helped sell the look. the pendants over the table were from CB2 and the old flag was actually a scarf from Free People. everything i own is up for grabs when it comes to propping, in fact it helps me feel better about owning// collecting so many things (some call it junk, i call them little money makers).

we leaned authentic wooden tent poles in the corners to sell the look and as i took a closer look at the poles, i noticed something familiar. <on each of my bigger gigs (multiple day shoots) i feel like i get a little message from above... it's always confirmation that i am right where i'm supposed to be; much appreciated and super encouraging always.>  see what you think about the photos below...